Ingest data without overheads

No proxies or cross account access
Agentless Discovery

Nobody really likes agents as they introduce additional complexity, offer additional attack surface, and impact performance. Being agentless by being embedded in the data store really offers the best remedy against these complications.  In addition, no data ever leaves the data store, so we don’t have to worry about what happens to it.

While current security architectures are mostly focused on perimeter defense, Theom is embedded into the data store sitting right next to the data and seeing every query of the data in the clear (and not in encrypted gibberish if you are outside the data store).  Seeing and analyzing every interaction with the data puts us in the pole position to deliver unique insights and actions across the entire spectrum of modules, from the best data access governance possible to compliance and audit.  Furthermore, Theom does not use a proxy-based architecture avoiding performance bottlenecks and extending one governance model from intro- to inter-company data exchanges.